Fan Fiction

Fan Fiction

I have some now! But not enough. Nope, not nearly enough.. If you have any John/Chiana fic (and it can be friendship rather than 'shippy too), please email me with it!

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Adultery by ChiMonkey: John and Aeryn are married, but not living happily ever after. [PG-13]

Ambushed by ChianaWannabe: Mildly angsty romantic treat for John & Chiana fans [NC-17].

Amendments by o2difor: John and Chiana try to protect each other in a no win situation. [R]

Dilemna by ChianaWannabe: Another romantically angsty treat for that rare breed, the John/Chiana shipper...takes place sometime in the period just before Revenging Angel, but no spoilers.

He Doesn't Realize by Joe T.: no summary [?]

Hearts in Chaoes by Alison M. Dobell: This series starts out as a John/Chiana based story set after the end of season two. [varies by story; off-site link] New Constellations by ChiMonkey: It starts at Crichton Kicks, it ends at Unrealized Reality, but everything in between and then some is different. [NC-17]

No Safe Place by Asherah Twilyte: no summary [NC-17]

The Price of Nobility by PDXScaper: Endless cold showers--the price of his nobility. [NC-17]

Scavenger Hunt by o2difor: A solo outing for John and Chiana turns deadly when they go scavenging on a crashed ship. [R]

Siren's Song by ChianaWannabe: A romantic treat for John & Chiana fans because there are so very few of them being written! [NC-17]

The Snake Pit by ChiMonkey: John and Chiana never escape a certain virtual reality game. [PG-13]